Lady Brigid’s Wardrobe – An update

Sep - 13 2015 | By

A few months ago, I let everyone know that I’d decided to finally replace the old court gown that I’d sewn back in 2004 for my last renaissance festival as an undergraduate at GVSU.  After spending a few months distracted by a dollhouse (that’s another story!) and working on a few other projects (including surprises for my fellow alumni — more to come on that as I continue to tweak things), I’ve turned my attention to getting things done with my court gown.

A few weeks ago, I finished off my new Spanish farthingale and decided that maybe I didn’t really want to make a new corset, since my old one was perfectly serviceable–it just needed another set of ties.  Over the course of intervening weekends, I cut out a muslin from extra denim for the bodice and sleeves of my new court gown and was pleased to find that my calculations were good and the muslin fit pretty perfectly on the first shot.  Last weekend, I cut out the velvet for the bodice and the upper sleeves, then spent some time sewing the lining and the shell of the bodice together.  Yesterday, I cut the lower sleeves and the sleeve contrast and decided to just finish off the bodice completely.

I started cutting sleeves and working on putting the sleeves together and finishing off the bodice around the time the Spartans kicked off against the Oregon Ducks.

I finished around 1AM, with various breaks (my mother and I were, of course, watching the football game, I needed to get my old Kenmore sewing machine to power through layers of velveteen and denim when my Brother decided that it was too many layers, etc.).

I’ll hopefully finish off the rest of the gown today.  Pictures to come!

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